We had a trip planned to go back to Oklahoma from 10/7 through 10/17 to visit family.
Unfortunately, the day we got there, my father had emergency surgery and had to have almost half of his stomach removed. So much for a good trip back home! He is stable now, and we're just waiting for him to wake up. It is going to be a long recovery, so we're thankful that he has had no major setbacks since the procedure. I sure have seen enough of the intensive care unit at the VA Hospital in Oklahoma City to last me for a lifetime!
I extended my trip through 10/21, so unfortunately, I still have orders from 10/6 that need to be shipped. I will start fulfilling orders in the order in which they were received on 10/22.
A warm thank you to all of you that have reached out and offered your thoughts and prayers. I appreciate it very much.